Focused On Supporting Good Causes Through Creativity

Welcome to Good Focused, where we specialize in creating captivating images that bring good vibes into your home and office.

Our collection features stunning landscape scenery, street scenes, and wildlife photography from across the United States, Italy, Africa, and beyond. Each image is carefully captured during our travels and creatively edited using the most modern technology to ensure the highest quality. At Good Focused, we believe in the power of peaceful imagery to inspire and uplift, which is why we're dedicated to providing you with art that soothes the soul. Moreover, we're committed to making a positive impact beyond aesthetics – a portion of our proceeds supports good causes focused on animal welfare and community outreach worldwide. Join us in spreading good vibes and making a difference with Good Focused.


Our Mission Is To Connect The Animal Welfare Community With The Pet And Travel Industries Through Photography And Modern Art Technology.

Susan Richey, Good Focused Founder


Our History

At Good Focused, we believe that the world is full of wonders waiting to be captured and shared. Our founder, Susan Richey, embodies this belief as she embarks on an extraordinary journey as a digital nomad. With a camera in hand and a heart dedicated to conservation, Susan travels the globe to document the stunning landscapes and diverse wildlife that make our planet so unique.

Susan's adventure isn't just about exploration; it's about making a difference. By highlighting the beauty of our world and the incredible creatures that inhabit it, she aims to raise awareness about critical land and animal conservation issues. Each photograph tells a story of the natural world’s splendor and the urgent need to protect it.

At Good Focused, our mission is to blend art with advocacy. Through Susan's lens, we offer a glimpse into the vibrant tapestry of life on Earth, from majestic elephants in Africa to the serene fjords of Norway. These images are more than just pictures; they are calls to action, urging us to appreciate and preserve the delicate ecosystems that sustain us all.

To support our conservation efforts, we monetize our work by selling exquisite prints and licensing our images as stock photography for media and marketing purposes. Each purchase and license helps fund our mission to promote environmental awareness and contribute to conservation initiatives worldwide.

Join us on this incredible journey. At Good Focused, we believe in the power of photography to inspire change and protect the wonders of our world. Together, we can make a difference, one image at a time.

Ready to let your vision roar? Drop us a line and let's capture your cause together!